10 Things You Must Know About ThetaHealing® Technique

March 21, 2016

Rishi Mehta

 is the fastest growing popular spiritual philosophy and meditation technique for past 20 years now. It is an extraordinary Energy-Healing modality that changed my life and lives of many! It accelerated my spiritual journey and opened a vast universe of miracles to me. It will be unjust to time and space, not to share this magic with you!

I am listing 10 things here, you must know about this miraculous technique.

1. An ancient magic made teachable by Vianna Stibal.

Source: Internet

Theta is one of the brainwaves that is slowest and most creative to design your life. In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with a Cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed, until she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader. Amazed that she had cured herself instantaneously, Vianna started to use this technique in her sessions with clients and saw person after person miraculously heal. ThetaHealing is essentially applied quantum physics. Using a theta brainwave which until now was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep.

2.  ThetaHealing® is Natural and Powerful.

This technique designed by Vianna Stibal teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon the ultimate source energy while being in Theta brain wave. It is a natural state of mind when you are really very deep in your subconscious and your thoughts can be used to optimize your well-being, joy, relationships, wealth and all life patterns.

3.  ThetaHealing® is a Meditation Technique.

This technqiue has nothing to do with any religion, caste, race or color. It is useful for each human being as it works on your thoughts with the help of a focused meditation.  ThetaHealing® works with the alignment of highest universal force that some call God, Creator, Universe, Source or Creative energy.

4.  ThetaHealing® works on your hidden beliefs.

Our emotions and beliefs affect us on a core, genetic, history, and soul level. They hide in these four levels and manifest as our reality. In ThetaHealing, practitioner learns to replace the negative and limiting beliefs or programs with the positive ones. By doing this inner engineering, a person brings miraculous changes in life.

5.  No Long Affirmations, No Long Stories, Just a Simple and
Instant Healing!

This technique does not involve any long stories of what happened, why happened,who said what etc. No long routes, no long goals, no long rituals. It enables the participant to find limiting beliefs and change them instantly. It involves just a simple realization and decision to change them and then witnessing the Creator instantly change them. The instant healing can be checked by a physical test called muscle-test.

6. ThetaHealing® gives you access to your own DNA.

Did you know, if you were to uncoil the DNA from all the cells of your body, it would wrap around the Earth five million times! Our DNA contains all the genetic information from our ancestors along with their beliefs and experiences. It stores all the information that you have ever experienced across time and space including your good or bad habits, diseases and even life situations.  ThetaHealing® gives you an opportunity to reach your own DNA, find the limiting blocks, remove them and replace with positive new information that can lead you to tremendous amount of intuitive abilities, natural gifts and higher degrees of happiness.

7.  ThetaHealing® gives you answers from the highest

You might be a seeker or healer, you must have asked certain questions to self or others. No doubt, you always get answers. But who knows the highest truth? Do you know, even the angels may not know the highest truth. The source, the creator gives you the glimpse of highest truth, only when you learn how to dissolve your ego with unconditional love and become one with the Creator of all that is. You do this quite technically and accurately when you learn ThetaHealing®.

8. You are introduced to different realms of universe.

While learning this technique, you are taught the seven planes of existence that includes the study of all major components of universe. For example, Mother Earth, Vegetation, Animals, Guardian Angels, Saints, Masters, Death, Waywards, Spirits, Psychic hooks, Ancestors, Future reading, Manifesting, Soul mates, Gene replacement, DNA activation and much more. Isn’t it sound interesting? Well, everything is experiential and not only theory when you are in the class.

9. You learn to work and live with Unconditional Love

In thetaHealing class, you experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator. Like all other energies, unconditional love is also an energy of universe that considered to be the highest and most powerful vibration of universe. It has been proved that one atom of unconditional love carries infinite power to heal anything.

10. ThetaHealing® empowers you.

While learning this technique, you get to know many things about yourself which you never knew before. You learn about your own level of clairvoyance, how to enhance your psychic abilities, why we create things in our life and what we learn from it. It enables and empowers you to change your life as well as those who are connected to you.

To know more about ThetaHealing you can go to  www.thetahealing.com

To enroll ThetaHealing courses facilitated by me, you can go to my website www.awakeninglove.co

Lots of Love & Gratitude

Romshri Ashesh
Co-Creator of Awakening Love


    • Candid

      April 2, 2017

      This article is realy good and tells me a lot of using the right words (language patterns) in a web-text. I’m used to write concepts and articles for my customers and partners, and they are writen in much more sc-nlceistyee.So this hints are very good for me.Thank you Mitchell

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