Awakening Inner Child Advanced

Awakening Inner Child Advanced

Course Type: Practitioner

Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisites: Awakening Inner Child Basic

Mode: Online, Offline

Price: 15000 INR

Course Highlights:


Healing the inner child is the doorway to knowing yourself.” Carl Jung.

In this course, you will learn how to heal your inner child in a very advanced, intimate and unique way.


Instead of shaming ourselves for a certain pattern, we can ask that pattern: how it has protected us? What is its purpose? Why is it here? What it is wanting us to know?

Not getting your emotional needs met and mis-attunement from parents/caregivers can be just as traumatizing as being physically neglected or abused.

An inner child wound is not what happened to you. It is what happened inside of you in response to that.


  1. How our inner child wound protects and serves us in a twisted way.
  2. Finding your true self which was erased by the trauma.
  3. Rescuing the inner child from the fear of abandonment, shame, guilt and sense of injustice.
  4. Who Abandoned who?
  5. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire.
  6. Where do you stand at Inner Child Spectrum?
  7. A Wounded Inner Child as a Partner and as a Parent.
  8. Awakening Inner Child Exercises along with every topic.

The Curriculum

 Day 1

  1. You will be explained what an inner child is and what are the spiritual causes of an inner child creation.
  2. In how many ways Childhood trauma, shocks, lack of support and conditionings can affect your life and your relationships.
  3. You will travel back to your past memories and connect to your inner child. This time you will gain information about many such aspects which were not revealed to you earlier.
  4. You will reach your mother’s womb and meditate and heal in the fetus position to bring awareness to all your inner children and in your mother as well.
  5. You will be aware of the deeper connection with your biological parents, family and your life purpose.

Day 2

  1. You will reverse the damage from a dysfunctional childhood or from any stage of your life.
  2. You will heal your inner-children and give them a purpose at each stage of life.
  3. You will release guilt, negative associations and crippling preconceptions
  4. You will reverse childhood damage by returning soul fragments, removing negative imprints and programs.
  5. You will develop a new, open and clear thinking which will provide you energy, strength and new outlook to create a more empowering and liberating life.

Workshop Takeaway

  • Certificate of Advanced Practitioner from AwakeningLove Academy
  • Workshop Literature
  • One more step closer to become Instructor of Awakening Inner Child.

Available Classes

Awakening Inner Child Advanced

Date: April 7, 2025

Mode: Online

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