Family Constellation Facilitator Level-2

Family Constellation Facilitator Level-2

Course Type: Practitioner

Duration: 3 Days

Prerequisites: Family Constellation Facilitator Level-1

Mode: Online, Offline

Price: 25000 INR

Course Contents:

Introduction: A family is an energy field. We can compare it to a net. Where the net is damaged in one area, the area around it is weakened. A strong part of the net keeps the area around it strong. The fabric of the net is transpersonal values, the divine values of love.
In this advanced course, you will level up your knowledge and obtain deeper insights about the values those govern the family Constellation. This advanced knowledge will arm you with right skills to know how Family constellations reveal where values have been disrespected and show the way to healing.

The Curriculum

  1. Belonging, Victims and Abusers.
  2. Family and Conscience: Social conscience, Systemic conscience and the Higher Conscience.
  3. Ancestors and Parents: Give and take constellation. Money, wealth and prosperity.
  4. Respect, honour, guilt, shame and injustice.
  5. The Home Country and Constellation.
  7. Love, Relationships and Parenthood .
  8. Trauma, sexuality and dead in the constellation.
  9. Organizational Constellations
  10. Case examples and exercises

Workshop Takeaway

  • Certificate of Level-2 Practitioner from AwakeningLove Academy
  • Workshop Literature.
  • Your become eligible for Level-3

Available Classes

Family Constellation Facilitator Level-2

Date: April 14, 2025

Mode: Online

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