ThetaHealing You and Your Inner Circle

ThetaHealing You and Your Inner Circle

Course Type:

Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisites: Basic DNA ThetaHealing®, ThetaHealing Advanced DNA, Thetahealing Dig Deeper

Mode: Online, Offline

Price: 35000 INR

We are constantly growing and evolving, and during the growth process, it is very important to have a healthy support system and relationship with the people around us. It is only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence. This course will really change your life and will prepare you to move forward, by giving you clarity and discernment on who should be part of your inner circle and how to work on yourself to start attracting the right and like minded people to become part of your inner circle.

You and Your Inner Circle is design to help you to move forward in success in every aspect of your life by putting the right people around you, knowing who your best friend should be. In this seminar we will teach you how to recognize your inner circle and how to discern which level of development the people around you are. We will show you the different stages of mind: The child stage, the parent stage and the crown or grandparent stage.

As healers, if you are surrounded by people that need constant encouragement, you will get drained very soon. Therefore, some people in your inner circle should be people who give back to you.

You will take a test to see in which mental development you are in. Then you will learn what you need to do to get where you like to be. We teach you why your inner circle changes so much, why you shift your friends around, and what kind of friends you need to surround you with so that you are charged and feel good so that you can still give back to the world.

We are teaching you how to work with every stage of mind. Like this you will understand your clients and students and where they are and you can help them to move forward.

This seminar will be a pre-requisite for DNA 4.

The Curriculum

Your Inner Circle will support you and have the skills to walk with you and co-create your dreams. We are stronger together! This 2 days seminar is designed to help you choose the people you surround yourself with in your personal and professional life in order to have the successful and fulfilling life you deserve.

Workshop Takeaway

  • Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® Growing Your Relationships 3 Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.


Available Classes

ThetaHealing You and Your Inner Circle

Date: June 14, 2025

Mode: Online

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