ThetaHealing World Relations

ThetaHealing World Relations

Date: October 5, 2024

Course Type: Practitioner

Duration: 5 Days

Prerequisites: Thetahealing Dig Deeper

Mode: Online

Price: INR

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About the Instructor

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Romshri Ashesh

Languages known: Hindi, English

ThetaHealing World Relations

Duration: 5

ThetaHealing® World Relations is a profound seminar designed to address and resolve deep-seated issues related to different cultures, religions, and ethnic backgrounds. The seminar aims to uncover and release negative beliefs and emotions, often inherited from ancestors, that participants might not be consciously aware of. Through hands-on Belief Work, students will confront and release hidden resentments and prejudices, fostering a sense of unconditional love and acceptance towards all people and cultures.

Key Components of the Seminar:

  • Belief Work: Engage in intensive belief work sessions to identify and release negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions towards other cultures and people. These beliefs often stem from ancestral experiences and historical conflicts.
  • Cultural Awareness: Learn to understand and appreciate the diversity of world cultures. This understanding helps in overcoming unconscious biases and promotes global harmony.
  • Genetic Beliefs: Explore how genetic (ancestral) beliefs and emotions related to fear, hatred, and anger are passed down through generations. Students will work on releasing these inherited beliefs to promote inner peace.
  • Conflict Resolution: Develop tools to resolve both inner and outer conflicts. By addressing and clearing prejudices and resentments, participants can achieve a state of inner calm and acceptance towards others.
  • Unconditional Love: Embrace the concept of unconditional love and acceptance, allowing participants to view the world and its people through a lens of compassion and understanding.
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