Forecast for 2018

January 1, 2018


Time is fluid and so are you. We try to hold it in our thoughts, beliefs and opinions. Do you know if  that the light that left the earth 65 million years ago is now 65 million light years away, and an alien with a big enough telescope pointed directly at the earth might be able to see dinosaurs on Earth today.

They might hold many opinions about Earth then and in our reality we are celebrating the arrival of 2018 here. We are living in infinite spectrum of realities or illusions; it is same thing.  What is truth then?

Truth can not be written through a keyboard and you must go within to taste it. One step at a time and with no stoppage.

This progress is impossible without change. Changing your old patterns, habits and beliefs is the only way to bring radical change in what you are.

Do you know 2016 was the year of purification and detoxification?

2017 was the year of expansion and growth. Imagine that you are about to make a serious change in your life relative to where you live.  First, you would have to let go of your attachment to where you live currently.  There would be a process of cleansing in which you would have to decide what you wanted to keep and what no longer served your progression. And once you reach the new place, you will experience an expansion in your life, work and abilities.

In 2017, this expansion process took place on a mental, emotional and physical level.  Many of us had to come face to face with our deepest long-term hidden wounds as a result, our primary theme of resistance.  We resist to see darkest corners of our life and real growth occurs when we let go of that resistance and hold courage to face our demons. Many of us became freer and many of us suffered as our attachments were stripped from us in this expansion and growth process.

Last night I had to cancel all my new year celebration parties for some reason and I chose to spend it alone. I have spent the entire night in deep meditation and got specific insights about the life paths, potentials of humanity and of the earth for the upcoming year.  And I will tell you now that the theme for 2018 is: Higher Shifts, Courage, Higher Revelations, Transitions and Truth.

It is a universal restructuring at many levels. Higher shifts demands higher courage. When a being actually desires higher truth one has to go through many shifts within mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Like any process, this process has multiple phases. And I will tell you that this major restructuring will continue till 2020 in all aspects of your life. This is a great collective movement in the rise of consciousness.

You can not match steps with this movement if you choose to be just a wind-bag. Only talks and no inner action will make you stagnant eventually.

2018 is the year of inner action, inner restructuring and inner revolution. This year is not about subtle changes.  It is charged with the momentum of action. 

In a bigger sense this ‘movement’ is into a new realm of consciousness.  On a mental level, this means drastic changes in perception, which in turn changes your emotional experience completely. You will experience many shifts in your life.  Do not be surprised if these shifts come to you all of a sudden.  Do not be surprised if you find yourself physically relocating and moving rapidly.

I have some serious and pointed advice to give you. I want to tell you that higher shifts, change and truth demand courage and fluidity. This is not the external courage or fluidity, I am talking about. This is a direct pointing to your hidden fears, resistance to see within and a lack of interest in self-inquiry.

Higher truths have no mercy for your meekness, lethargy or procrastination.

Undoubtedly, higher truths are blissful and loving in nature but they do not know how to pamper your illusions. They have no mercy for those who procrastinate and show up late.  They have no mercy for those who are not ready. You got to let go of everything that slows you down.

Prepare your self. Connect more and more within. Not out of fear but out of awareness. Less talks and more inner work this year. Make a mental note of this advice, in higher realms no words and no talks are used.  Not even emotions. Only higher truths are transmitted through thoughts. So practice less words and unveiling more inner truths in your meditation, inner-healing processes and self-realization rituals.

Words, talks and language are useful to live the life on Earth, just use as much as is necessary to sail along. The more conscious you become, the less interested you become in words or talks. Your silence speaks volume and you become an energy vortex whosoever comes in your energy field naturally goes deep within effortlessly. Words make you solid, silence makes you subtle.


Practice silence every day.

A division is occurring between those who will hold on to the old habits, beliefs and consciousness and the structures that go along with that consciousness and those who will step into new consciousness in order to build the new structure for society. You have to make a choice and believe me this takes only a moment to make a strong choice. The moment you make a choice with pure determination, universal forces come forward to support you tremendously.

Go within, see your unhealed inner children, your fears, you darkest corners, carry them, heal them, transform them into light. Do not skip any dark corner, else it will emerge sooner or  later as volcano in the process of restructuring.

Be honest to self and restructure your inner universe completely. Whenever you make this choice, you will be taken care of.


Whenever you are in doubt, hear me calling your name and saying to you, “You can do it. Do it NOW!”

Be the change.







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