The Ocean of Stillness

September 20, 2017


We all carry this ocean of stillness within. We create all beautiful things of our life from this place of stillness only, we know it or not.

External world is full of illusions, ever changing, appearing and disappearing like waves in a passing river. Nothing stays here. Everything just arises and falls.

Ever wondered what force arises these illusion? The mind.

And what keeps the mind moving? These illusions.

It is an on-going stimulation game between mind and illusions.

The illusions keep us entangled, exhausted and confused.

Many among my audience would often ask- “But what if I get stuck in my past life story and never be able to bring myself out of it? What’s the point?”

I ask them back, “Past life was once a present lifetime. Wasn’t it?”


“Then why are you so stuck in your present lifetime either. Isn’t it another story from which you aren’t able to bring yourself out? Then what’s the point?”

Diving deep in your subconscious mind takes you to a place from where you can look at the story from an observer’s point of view. You are closer to that stillness where no characters can exist but only the still, silent observer.

Seeing stories is not important but going to that “place of view” is more important.

These experiences of past life regressions (if done with no expectations) make you familiar with that stillness which is your pure self. Even in meditations, you go to that ocean, taste it and come back. But you need to go there more frequently, so you can hear the silent longing of that ocean for you.

It calls you.

It has been calling you for ages.

True wisdom of this creation operates silently. It has no big words, announcements or claims to make. It is just is.

The mind-made stories, judgement, opinions and even the chain of thoughts take us far from that inner ocean of stillness. It still remains still. It does not roar for it is the eternal roar. Love can not be done or undone. It is love.

This silence is your eternal ongoing roar within. Do not under-estimate it’s vigor. It is the same force that makes the artists sleepless at night. The same pull that makes the seekers insane for unknown beloved in the deserts.

There is something which is far more important that you see with your physical eyes and any of those things that you think about mentally, emotionally or spiritually. The re-arrangement of thoughts are not important but realizing their futility, their short-lived pointless nature and their fashion to blindfold our essence is more important.

If you are a true lover of life, seek life first.

Do not call mind-made illusions and coping with them a “life”.

It is not life. I guarantee you.

Life exists in that ocean which you have been carrying in your bossom and avoiding.

If you are a true lover of life, find it first.

No, it does not exist in the mayhem of your thoughts.

Life exists inside that ocean in your core. Walk through the forests of your stories and memories.

Push the bushes of your thoughts aside gently and tread on the path inward.

You may encounter rotten leaves, decaying trees and muddy ponds of your present and past lives. Stop you not.

Just walk. Just see. Just listen.

Let stillness guide you.

Keep walking until you reach the ocean and immerse.

Nothing more is needed.



Romshri Ashesh

Awakening Love

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