Water, Mind and Body Weight

October 31, 2017


Human bodies are the projections of their mental states. What you feel deep manifests as your physical appearance and vice versa. The good news is that you can change your thought patterns and hence the body weight as well.

We, human beings are collection of thoughts, habits, emotions and memories. All these things are fluid and give base to our cellular habits. To transform this fluid, water plays a major role and behaves miraculously if we consume it consciously.

In metaphysics, water represents the flow of the collective mind – the collective consciousness of human realm. It teaches us that our reality is forever changing and we have power to change ourselves every moment.

All we need to put a little awareness in everything we do and we can witness constant transformation in what we are!

Listing 6 points to achieve a perfect body weight, try them if you are actually aiming to shed those extra pounds.

1. Check your breathing before a meal, while having meal and after a meal. Just practice watching. Soon you will spot the differences. It will also make you conscious about false hunger, boost metabolism and digestion. Just by watching!

2. Have 2 glasses of warm water before 30 minutes of each meal and after 1 hour of each meal.
Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

3. Develop increase intake of early morning water. Try to have 3.5 glasses of water before the early morning drink given in your Conscious Weight Management plan (Here: https://awakeninglove.co/heal/conscious-weight-management-online-holistic-program/)

4. Always speak your therapeutic affirmation (given in CWM: https://awakeninglove.co/heal/conscious-weight-management-online-holistic-program/) to the water you drink.

Remember you should speak your given affirmation 7 times to your water and then drink it. Water is the most powerful crystal on Earth. It records everything for ages and programs your body as you are made of 67% of water. It remembers what you tell it and Program the water in your cells inside. Your body remembers what you told the water you drank.

5. Drinking water increases the amount of calories you burn, which is known as resting energy expenditure.

6. We want to eat more when we are not happy or loved inside. Water has a virtue of abundant free flowing nurturing. Drinking more water will also wash away the cellular tendency of storing fat to feel complete subconsciously.
If you find you have a headache, are in a bad mood, are constantly hungry or have trouble concentrating, then you may suffer from mild dehydration. Drinking more water may help fix this.

Keep a bottle of Luke warm water handy all the time. Keep programming it with your positive thoughts. Keep drinking it and feel the new energy all the times.


This article was composed with the excerpts from conversations with Romshri Ashesh.


Awakening Love Academy



    • Seema

      November 1, 2017

      Mind work at its best. Thank you for sharing the knowledge. Explains the magical(meta-physical) properties of air and water. These practices are not just for now but for life.


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