What to do When Suffering Comes?

March 20, 2016

Rishi Mehta

What to do When Suffering Comes?

The universe we live in, is perfect. All the laws are working perfectly here. Each good, bad or even neutral event of our lives is being governed by the law of vibration.
This law says that everything is energy and the energy vibrates. Energy vibrates at a particular frequency. Nothing rests here, everything moves. The whole universe is nothing but just a vibration.
Everything that we experience is a vibrations that our five senses are receiving. The most important thing to be noted here is that we attract and receive only those vibrations which are of the same frequency as ours.
Be it Law of Karma or Law of Attraction, all laws come under the Law of Vibration only. Suffering can come in any form; physical, emotional, mental, life patterns or relationships. The best thing is that only you have the power to transform this energy into positivity.
We are listing few hacks to master this law and dissolve the “suffering” when it comes in your space.
Here you go!
1. When suffering comes, remind yourself repeatedly that everything is just energy and you can not destroy it but Yes, you can change its form.

Remember Mr. Einstein? Think in vibrations and be an inner scientist.
2. Next step is to release the suffering from your space and replace it with Higher truth, joy, peace and positive energies.

To make this happen, book a healing session with any trained ThetaHealing Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master or any certified energy healing practitioner. Take it as an alternative help and keep taking medication or other remedies if required.

3. Use the power of your thoughts, visualization and repetitions of positive affirmations.

Everything is created by thoughts and can be transformed by thoughts only, Visualization makes any thought 6000 times more powerful. Use your imagination power. Focus on what you want and fake it till you make it.

4. Please remember to follow your own intuitions always.

Using the power of your mind does not mean that you have to sit in an unlivable and toxic environment until you change it, NO! Keep yourself away from all drama, negativity and disgrace, NO MATTER WHAT. You can send unconditional love, peace and good thoughts to toxic people from a distance also. But Give all these to yourself first!

5. You are special.

No matter, if you are broken or hurt or bleeding in pain, your heart is pure and your soul is a spark of God. Have faith in yourself! Do not give your power to any healer, teacher or well-wisher. No need to feel obligated to anyone, just because they were standing by you or helping you. Gratitude is enough. Not even Creator demands obligation!

6. Become the witness only and cry your heart out in your healing sessions.

It lightens your heart up and makes a space for divine forces to enter you. Never feel guilty of anything. Guilt is the most useless energy of universe. Learn, grow and be grateful to universe for all the blessings you still have.

7. Keep doing your homework as given by the trained therapist to you.
Learn spiritual skills that interest you the most. Spiritual skills include all the healing modalities of modern age. They all are amazing and helpful. Living life without having any spiritual skills is as difficult as walking without a torch in a dark night.

8. Use the most powerful tool of universe: PRAYER.

Yes. true, pure and sincere prayers never go unheard. Every moment pray to higher divine forces (known or unknown) to guide you, support you and transform the suffering into bliss, joy, grace, happiness, abundance and all beauties of life. The law of Free will says: In order to receive anything, you have to ask for it. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY.
Your prayers will attract the higher solutions and navigate your path to true healers, teachers and authentic mediums of healing energies.

9. Remember,suffering is just a teacher and will never go away until you raise your vibrations higher that its.

Command your mind that “Suffering is NOT needed now to teach me. I Choose Joy, Fun, Ease and Love as my teachers.”

Lots of Love & Gratitude
~ Romshri Ashesh
Co-Creator of Awakening Love


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